Giving is a natural part of our worship to God. Through the tithes, offerings, and estate gifts of First Baptist Church members and others, God continues to bless people both locally and around the world.
Ways to Give to FBC Murray:
1. Debit Authorization Form
Did you know that you can download and complete a form to have funds debited at regular intervals from your bank account? It won’t cost anything to you or to First Baptist! You can just click here to print off the form, complete it, and return it to ATTN: Finance 203 S. 4th St., Murray, KY 42071 or Once it’s set up, you don’t have to do anything else! It's that easy! Forms are also available in the church office.
2. Online banking through your bank (set up a one-time or recurring check to be written to the church). This is no cost to you or the church.
3. Cash or check in the offering plate.
4. Mail your check to the church: 203 S. 4th St., Murray, KY 42071.
5. Place your check in the secure outdoor dropbox facing 3rd St. under the children's awning (checks only, please).
6. Appreciated assets: Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, land house, etc.
7. Planned giving vehicle (like a will).
8. Distribution of Qualified Retirement Funds (Ex: IRA).
9. Electronic Check (FBC incurs a nominal percentage fee)
Debit Card (FBC incurs a percentage fee)
Credit Card (FBC incurs a percentage fee)
By clicking below (Give Online), you will be redirected to our giving portal. If you are simply making a one-time online gift and do not plan to access this giving portal again, simply click the "Quick Give" link and fill out the appropriate information. If you plan to give regularly, set up an automatic recurring gift, give by electronic check, or want the ability to view your giving history, simply click the "First Time?" link and create an account. Once the account is created, you will be able to schedule recurring gifts, view your account, etc.